As we transition into Fall, the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on September 1st, helps motivate us to stay present and focus on “Being” instead of “Doing”. By cultivating our excitement about the changes taking place instead of anxiety, we discover new possibilities. We are also entering a period called Mercury in retrograde for the next three weeks, a perfect time to reorganize and reflect on our lives. But when this planet that rules communication goes backwards, it can also create difficulties and stress in communication and problems with technology. Knowing this is an influence of Mercury retrograde, can help us let go of judgements and frustrations and not get.
As we near the end of summer, this full moon encourages us to pause and celebrate all of the heart-centered growth we have been enjoying. It is important to acknowledge our healing as we transition into new endeavors. This transition period can cause some confusion and doubt as to what is happening. This full moon is also a great time to let go of what does not work. Many people came into their healing session today wondering why they felt out of sorts and so emotional. When I mentioned we are on the verge of a full moon, they said “Oh that explains it!” Just like the tides are affected by.
Hello and good day my fellow life travelers! I am delighted to share and connect with all of you! The theme for this New Moon in Leo, the fiery heart-centered planet, is balance in love and relationships with self and others, which is required in order to create harmony in the world. Balance within body, mind, and spirit is easily attainable by taking a deep breath, letting go, and focusing on the moment. In Chinese Medicine, the importance of maintaining balance in the heart meridian is essential to maintain health. The Heart Meridian is the ruler of all the other organ systems in our body. Imbalances in the smooth flow.