It seems a most fitting ending to this past tumultuous year of changes that we have a Blue Super Full Moon on the eve of the New Year as we jump into the promising unknown of 2018! It’s so important to take a moment to pause and reflect upon what that means to you. What you want to keep and cultivate in the New Year and what you want to let go of. 2018 is an 11 year, bringing spirituality and mastery. In Chinese Medicine, the Winter Season is ruled by the Kidneys, which is the Water element and the first charka. This is all about grounding, vitality, security, and.
The new Moon on Monday, December 18 is a very powerful time to create new beginnings and let go of what no longer serves you as you embark on the New Year. During the last couple of weeks of this year, we will also be celebrating Winter Solstice and the Holidays. This is a wonderful time to delight in giving to others and taking care of oneself. As we enter the winter months, it is important to slow down and look within to determine what really matters to us. Oriental medicine and acupuncture energy healing sessions help to create the possibilities of experiencing joy this season by letting go of.
The full moon on December 3 is also a supermoon and is bound to be exciting! Whether that be crazy-making or fun depends on whether or not we prepare for this intense energy by grounding and letting go. This also marks the beginning of Mercury retrograde, which lasts for three weeks. This is the time for reevaluating and going with the flow and letting things run their course, in the end everything will sort itself out. This can be especially chaotic during the holidays. Therefore self-care is critical now. Taking time out to take walks, talk with friends, eat in peace will help. Also getting acupuncture healing will be very.
Like the phoenix raising, anything is possible on the New Moon, November 18. The energy of change and rebirth are fertile during this new moon, helping create transformation. After an arduous journey through the muck and mire, the way through to love is becoming easier. We are being inundated with love and blessings from the Universe to help us see clearer during this time of great upheaval and change. No matter what the situation appears, we can choose happiness or suffering. In Oriental Medicine we are in the Fall season, transformation and change is taking place all around us in nature, which is reflected in our internal nature as well..
We have a Super moon amplifying the full moon energy in Scorpio, which is already a very sensitive, intense energy, on November 3. This is the time to look within and discover buried treasure that is ready to be revealed and emotions to be healed and transformed. The Scorpio full moon time is also very spiritual and emotional and can be quite crazy making if not feeling grounded and centered. To help facilitate greater intuition and joy we need to ground these intense energies by pausing and meditating on our breath, which will help align us to our body, mind, and soul connection. This will help open our hearts and.
More and more the message is clear…choose love, life, and happiness, stop suffering and be in the moment! This new moon in Libra is all about balance and inner reflection. Taking time to look within and reflect on our intentions for the highest good of all. We are in an evolutionary phase on this planet of choosing between light and darkness by embracing the totality of our being instead of the duality. We are all shadow and light, and we are creating the awareness of choice on where we want to put our focus, on either healing or suffering and thereby take action to be part of the solution instead.
Hunter’s Full Moon, October 5, is called that because it is the time of the year to gather our resources and to ground and nurture ourselves, so we are better able to connect with others. This is an essential key to creating balance, peace, and harmony. We must fill up our energy tanks with rest, good nourishment, and plenty of water, as well as taking time out for self reflection. This helps to establish a balance between work and play to create healthy boundaries. It is time to let go of what no longer serves the highest good, to lighten up, and create unity and greater love in our relationships..
The recent outbreak of Hepatitis A in San Diego has lead to 17 deaths to date, 461 infections and 315 hospitalizations. The region’s top public health official said she hasn’t seen any signs of a slowdown in the public health emergency. Public health officials have said that the strain of the virus that is causing the outbreak is commonly passed from person to person rather than through a particular food or drug. The virus is present in people, and unsanitary conditions allowing it to spread. San Diegans have been asking how they can protect themselves from this potentially fatal disease. We thought it would be helpful to know that acupuncture.
The New Moon and Autumn Equinox can be an exciting time of renewal and reset. Now is the time to embrace change and rejoice in the transformations that have taking place both individually and collectively. As a result of the tremendous inner growth we have gone through, we are emerging as beautiful butterflies no matter how this might look on the outside. This is also the time of year to dig deep and clear out cluttered spaces within and around us, in order to create space to plant new ideas and endeavors as we adjust to this new season. Taking quiet time for ourselves as well is also very valuable.
So how is everyone feeling after this intense past month of healing? This full moon is about loving the aspects of ourselves and each other that we consider unlovable and integrating the changes that have taken place in us during this transition. This is an adjustment period of balancing body, mind, and spirit. By tuning inside ourselves and breathing deeply, we are at choice instead of reaction to outside stimulus and old ways of being that no longer serve us. Pausing helps us let go of control and go with the flow by honoring our emotions and moving through them instead of stuffing them in or lashing out. My relationship.