In Chinese Medicine, spring is the season of the Wood element, which is controlled by the Liver and Gallbladder organ systems. The characteristics are flexibility and clarity at best, and at worst, confusion and anger. This has been an intense time of growth and rebirth, with lots of twists and turns and ups and downs. The purpose is to create a larger container in which to function on this Earth plane. With the New Moon in Taurus, a sense of stability is being created to help ground these new growth energies into being. I have seen a lot of people lately who need help with growing pains, myself included, that.
The Full Moon on April 11, is called the Pink Moon and is pregnant with love and life possibilities. The earth is ripe with life sprouting up all around us. Vibrant colors and increased light create renewed energy and motivate us into action. During this heart-centered Aries time, be sure to get lots rest to replenish your vitality and get ready for more action and adventure. In Chinese Medicine the moon cycle corresponds with the Yin aspect, which is restorative, and represents the internal, quiet, dark, contemplative nighttime feminine essence necessary to nurture life. As opposed to the Yang aspect, which is daytime, hot, bright, active masculine essence. Both are.