The recent outbreak of Hepatitis A in San Diego has lead to 17 deaths to date, 461 infections and 315 hospitalizations. The region’s top public health official said she hasn’t seen any signs of a slowdown in the public health emergency. Public health officials have said that the strain of the virus that is causing the outbreak is commonly passed from person to person rather than through a particular food or drug. The virus is present in people, and unsanitary conditions allowing it to spread. San Diegans have been asking how they can protect themselves from this potentially fatal disease. We thought it would be helpful to know that acupuncture.
The New Moon and Autumn Equinox can be an exciting time of renewal and reset. Now is the time to embrace change and rejoice in the transformations that have taking place both individually and collectively. As a result of the tremendous inner growth we have gone through, we are emerging as beautiful butterflies no matter how this might look on the outside. This is also the time of year to dig deep and clear out cluttered spaces within and around us, in order to create space to plant new ideas and endeavors as we adjust to this new season. Taking quiet time for ourselves as well is also very valuable.
So how is everyone feeling after this intense past month of healing? This full moon is about loving the aspects of ourselves and each other that we consider unlovable and integrating the changes that have taken place in us during this transition. This is an adjustment period of balancing body, mind, and spirit. By tuning inside ourselves and breathing deeply, we are at choice instead of reaction to outside stimulus and old ways of being that no longer serve us. Pausing helps us let go of control and go with the flow by honoring our emotions and moving through them instead of stuffing them in or lashing out. My relationship.