The New Moon on January 5 is intensified by a partial solar eclipse, which will amplify the energies of intentions, commitments, and desires for the New Year. After of a year of intense inner growth and transformation, we can reap the rewards this New Year with the possibilities of joy and renewal bringing in more love and light into manifestation! 2019 will be a number 3 year in numerology, which promotes creativity and heartfelt expression. We are all in great need of creating a more joyful, compassionate reality. In Chinese Medicine the New Year actually begins a month later on February 5, making this a time of completion before beginning.
The Full moon on December 22 is called the Cold Moon because it is the start of winter and follows the Winter Solstice, marking the changing of the seasons. A powerful time to go inward and reflect on the changes that have occurred this year, and decide what works and let go of what doesn’t. It is also a time of celebration and love, to let your inner spirit out and connect with others in our own true authentic nature, and to be free of fear and embrace the freedom to express creation in all it’s gloriousness! In Chinese Medicine, wintertime represents the most Yin time of year with its.
The Sagittarius new moon on December 7 brings a high energy of excitement or anxiety, depending upon how we choose to look at the situation. The energy in December is very chaotic, therefore, it is important to ground, breathe, and pause before reacting. Balancing body, mind, and spirit is the best remedy for this holiday season. Committing to loving-self care, will create greater health, wealth, and happiness for everyone. Decide what you want to keep in your life to bring greater joy and light and let the rest go. ‘Tis the season to be jolly! The holidays can bring added stress and mixed emotions, all of which can affect our.
We will be having a full moon Thursday, November 22, Thanksgiving Day, heightening the energies of gratitude, love and joy. Giving us the opportunity to let go of what no longer works, so we can open up to interesting new ideas, possibilities and truth. This is a wonderful time to connect and continue to establish loving-kindness practice with yourself and all others. Traditional Chinese Medicine is rooted in the ancient philosophy of Taoism, which believes that the human body is a miniature version of the larger, surrounding universe. And that it is possible to have harmony between two opposing yet complementary forces, yin and yang. This balance creates health and.
The new moon in Scorpio, on November 7, will bring in an abundance of healing energy to help us transcend any limiting beliefs that create stress and unhappiness. This powerful Scorpio energy is all about diving in deep into our hearts for buried wounds that need healing and emerge with renewed passion, forgiveness and self-love. This will help develop our loving kindness, empathy and compassion to create greater love and healing for all. The healing process is made easier with acupuncture and Oriental Medicine as body, mind, and soul connection is reinforced. Unresolved issues on the mental, emotional, spiritual levels create stuck energy in the body, which creates pain, insomnia,.
This full moon in Taurus is known as a Harvest Moon, and our most locked in patterns will be presented for our viewing pleasure. There is great determination, strong will and uncompromising resistance being played out. One will need to be calm, restrained and not be drawn into dramatic behaviors. As these full moon energies start to accumulate, let love guide your choices for health, wealth, and happiness by letting go of what no longer serves the highest good. This is especially true as we enter into Scorpio energy; a time of transformation, death and rebirth, which creates exciting possibilities around love and money. In Chinese Medicine, the Fall season.
Happy October! Fall is in the air, transformation everywhere. The quality of light is more vibrant, cooler, crisper, and clear. The Libra new moon energies are starting to be felt. This is a time of soul connection, deeper love and self-care. Balance and grounding are essential now. In Oriental Medicine, the yin/yang symbol represents the principle of balance. An aspect of light and darkness is in each. Yin is the receptive and yang is the action energy, both of which create the whole. This interconnection is essential for health and wellbeing. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, after a healing session I see the power of healing transform the energy of people,.
The Autumn Equinox is upon us, the official changing of the seasons is celebrated by honoring the harvest time. This is a timeless tradition of planetary realignment to create balance and harmony among us and within us. The time to step into our true essence and embrace totality, letting go and equalizing our inner and outer lives to reflect our true nature. The full moon will help fortify this grand gesture with its super power to motivate and support us during this change to ease the way and help us shine! In Oriental Medicine, Autumn is represented by the Air Element, which encompasses reaping energy, dryness, lung/large intestines, grief and letting.
Labor Day marks the end of summer, which can be bittersweet as the weather starts to cool down and we transition into Fall. Change can create instability and fear of the unknown. However, the New Moon on September 9, in stable, earthy Virgo, is the beginning of a new cycle of growth and rebirth into deeper awakening and healing of our true nature and letting go of old wounds. This can be an exciting time of transformation and lightness of being as we go forth and ground in Love and let go of fear. During this seasonal transition, it is a very good idea to come into Wonderworks Healing Arts to.
The Full Moon is in the compassionate, sensitive sign of Pisces, which will help us gently transition into assimilating the dramatic energy shifts of the past month. Staying focused and grounded in the present moment will help diminish drama and create clarity about what serves our highest good. Now is the time to let go of what no longer serves you and keeps you limited and open up to infinite possibilities instead! It’s time to shine and let our love out, have no fear, and forge ahead. Recently many people are coming into Wonderworks Healing Arts for help with back pain, which are old deep-seated survival issues coming up for.