We have a lot of intense energy building up for the upcoming Super Blood Blue Full Moon and total Lunar Eclipse! This powerful energy supports and guides us while we become aware of the changes we need to make within ourselves by reevaluating our course of action and letting go. This much heavenly excitement on one day has not happened in150 years! It is an ideal opportunity to change old paradigms by integrating our mind-body connection and anchor deeper into our hearts. The time for change is now, for this is truly a once in a blue moon happening. In Chinese Medicine this is considered a very auspicious time when.
The New Moon in Capricorn on January 16 is about evaluating our desires and taking action wherever necessary to recommit to our intentions for this New Year. It is essential to start with basic self care, food, water, rest to ground and build from there to create a strong foundation from which to operate. This is the year of self-discipline to create the life we aspire to full of love, health, prosperity and happiness for ourselves and all others. Acupuncture healing sessions are great for establishing self care rituals. As preventive medicine for optimum heath to balance stress, strengthen the immune system, and to help eliminate potential health issues such.