The New Moon on January 5 is intensified by a partial solar eclipse, which will amplify the energies of intentions, commitments, and desires for the New Year. After of a year of intense inner growth and transformation, we can reap the rewards this New Year with the possibilities of joy and renewal bringing in more love and light into manifestation! 2019 will be a number 3 year in numerology, which promotes creativity and heartfelt expression. We are all in great need of creating a more joyful, compassionate reality. In Chinese Medicine the New Year actually begins a month later on February 5, making this a time of completion before beginning.
The Full moon on December 22 is called the Cold Moon because it is the start of winter and follows the Winter Solstice, marking the changing of the seasons. A powerful time to go inward and reflect on the changes that have occurred this year, and decide what works and let go of what doesn’t. It is also a time of celebration and love, to let your inner spirit out and connect with others in our own true authentic nature, and to be free of fear and embrace the freedom to express creation in all it’s gloriousness! In Chinese Medicine, wintertime represents the most Yin time of year with its.
The Sagittarius new moon on December 7 brings a high energy of excitement or anxiety, depending upon how we choose to look at the situation. The energy in December is very chaotic, therefore, it is important to ground, breathe, and pause before reacting. Balancing body, mind, and spirit is the best remedy for this holiday season. Committing to loving-self care, will create greater health, wealth, and happiness for everyone. Decide what you want to keep in your life to bring greater joy and light and let the rest go. ‘Tis the season to be jolly! The holidays can bring added stress and mixed emotions, all of which can affect our.