The New Moon in Scorpio on October 27 will fall on Diwali, the festival of lights, which is very appropriate at this time of transition. As we enter into Scorpio, the focus is on diving into the depths of our being to connect with our soul, to realign and balance our body, mind, and spirit. This will create greater opportunities to embrace and celebrate our heart’s desire and let go of suffering. When there is misalignment due to too much work and not enough play, the body, mind, and spirit balance is affected. Causing stress, headaches, high blood pressure, obsessive thinking, insomnia, anxiety, depression, constipation, and eventually pain in the.
The Full Moon on October 13, is called the Hunter’s Moon due to its brilliance and power to invoke change, abundance, and preparation for the future. Now is the time to get out of our comfort zone and rewrite the old, outdated story of suffering and embrace the new desired dreams of positive outcomes. It is possible to transform our health, wealth, and happiness by taking action to create mindful boundaries and being proactive in self-care and love by acknowledging the truth of who we are…magnificent! By tapping into our joy, beauty, and light, we are raising the healing vibration for everyone. Energy healing and acupuncture sessions help to transform.