The upcoming Full Moon in Pisces on September 20 will take place a few days before the Fall Equinox, which marks the start of a new season. It is a time of letting go and grounding as we strive for balance, fulfillment, and change. These powerful energies can stir up emotions, dreams, and desires. This provides us with a tremendous opportunity to find balance in our lives by committing to developing our inner strength, bringing our minds into greater clarity, and focusing on joy, love, and peace. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we can help you balance your body, mind, and spirit with gentle acupuncture, energy healing, and herbal medicine to.
The New Moon in Virgo coincides with Labor Day on September 6. This is the time to plant new seeds for higher learning, higher love, and higher values. We reap what we sow, therefore, why not set the highest intentions, let go, and watch them grow! Open to new ideas, insights, and opportunities. If you are feeling aches and pains, anxious, confused, stuck, or depressed and need inspiration, I can help you align your body-mind-heart connection to feel greater clarity, grounding, and vitality. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, I have been helping people with their healing process by improving the quality of their lives for the past 20 years using gentle.
The Full Moon on August 22 is in Aquarius again, which is a blessing. This powerful energy is an opportunity to let go of fears, heal old wounds, and break old patterns to create space for new possibilities. It is important to trust the healing process, keep our hearts open, and focus on love. During these times of uncertainty and stress, stay calm, grounded, and maintain inner peace with more self-care. Wonderworks Healing Arts is a safe, healing environment, where you can experience deep relaxation. This helps the body-mind connection switch from sympathetic to parasympathetic nervous system which decreases pain, emotional traumas, and mental obsessions. We can help you with.
The New Moon in Leo on August 8 is a very auspicious day! Also known as Lion’s Gate, due to the astrological significance in the heavens. This is a powerful time to set your intentions on the soul level and make your dreams come true. What makes your heart sing? Look within and awaken your passions. It’s time to live out loud with an open heart and mind. Love is the key to happiness. Breathe, be authentic, rest, and restore. Self-care is paramount now in order to be more loving, patient, and compassionate with others and ourselves. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we are committed to helping you with your self-care.
On Friday, July 23, we will be having a Full Moon in Aquarius. This powerful energy is potentially very healing and uplifting, inspiring us to let go of old perceptions, wounds, and emotions to make room for more light, love, and joy. We are being encouraged to come from love, let go of fear, and take a leap of faith as we embrace new ways of being in trust and harmony. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we can assist you with your healing process. As an intuitive, empathic healer, I tune into your energy field, which helps me help you in a safe, loving, supportive way. This is done using energy.
On July 9, we will be having a New Moon in the water sign of Cancer. Bringing in a nurturing, family-oriented energy of love and goodwill to all. This is a wonderful time to set intentions that we wish to embody, such as peace, joy, and compassion. It is important to set healthy boundaries and maintain self-care to feel grounded during this time. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we can help you with your healing process and stay centered while healing old wounds and expanding into love. By balancing body, mind, and spirit with gentle acupuncture, energy healing, and Chinese Medicine. The importance of establishing and maintaining balance is vital to.
The energies are building for the upcoming total lunar eclipse and super full moon, also known as the Flower Blood Moon, on May 26. Eclipses are a deeply transformative time that can bring abrupt changes. It also brings to light our unconscious feelings and desires, and encourages us to let go of what no longer serve us. This is a wonderful opportunity to forgive and heal the past, so that we can live in greater peace and harmony in the moment and grow more fully in love. You may be feeling off balance and ungrounded as a result of these intense energies. It is crucial to stay centered, breathe into.
The New Moon on May 11, in Taurus, is a very fertile time of year to plant seeds of change and express your desire. This fruitful, productive energy needs to be grounded and cultivated with good intentions to create sustainable new growth. It is very important to focus on health and wellbeing by getting plenty of sleep, good nourishment, exercise, and fun. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we specialize in helping you cultivate increased energy, improve sleep, digestion, serenity, and clarity by reducing pain, stress, and tension stuck in the body. With gentle acupuncture, energy healing, and herbal medicine, balance is restored to our body, mind, and spirit. This allows for.
The super full moon in Scorpio on April 26, 2021, is called a “Pink Moon” reflecting the desert blooms. This transformative energy is full of love and delight sending us the message “everything is alright.” The love planet, Venus, is now in Taurus, where her expansive energy of beauty and love are very grounding and beneficial. This is a time of transformation, reflection, patience, and calm. This super pink full moon energy is helping us create clarity and let go of chaos and confusion. It is important to take time out and relax, as well as focus on self-care, practice mindfulness, and loving-kindness, which are paramount in healing our past.
The Aries new moon on April 11 brings in abundant energy of joy and cheer, and is a wonderful opportunity to connect with our souls and manifest our desires. It is important to stay grounded, maintain balance, and come from love, compassion, and kindness. Otherwise anger and frustrations can flare up with this dynamic energy. Focus instead on your heart’s desire to create greater wellbeing, abundance, and health, as well as creating more satisfaction in relationships. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we are committed to helping you with your healing process in every way possible. By stimulating your own bodies’ healing chemicals with acupuncture, energy healing, and herbs, stagnant energy causing.
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