The full moon on March 28 is in the relationship sign of Libra. This peaceful, thoughtful sign emphasizes the importance of balance and equality with all living beings. Now that the sun is in the independent, heartwarming sign of Aries, it is essential to create unity and goodwill. This is a wonderful time to let go, forgive past hurts, and create greater love and harmony. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, our mission is to balance body, mind, and spirit and to hold the space so that deep healing can take place. As we drop into our own hearts and heal, we have a greater capacity to love more freely. Often we.
The first day of Spring officially starts on March 20 with the Spring Equinox, which signifies both day and night are of equal length. As we celebrate the awakening of Spring all around us, it is also the time to notice our own awakening spirit and plant new seeds of change. Connecting with nature will help us become more grounded, compassionate, and patient while creating greater happiness and freedom within. This is a wonderful time to balance body, mind, and spirit. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Spring represents the Wood element. This is the time of renewal, growth, and rebirth. It is governed by the Liver and Gallbladder organ systems, the.
The New Moon in Pisces on March 13 is a wonderful time to embrace the miracles that life has to offer. From the simplest to the sublime, we are all a miracle! It is time to shine, express our true natures, and share with one another. The new moon energy is full of blessings, inspiration, and joy. It is time to commit to self-care by nurturing and balancing our body, mind, and spirit. Spring is awakening all around us and encouraging us to rejoice in the healing energies and get support after a long difficult winter. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we are happy to help support you lose weight, get.