The New Moon in Virgo on August 27 is awakening a deeper sense of trust, courage, and a willingness to let go and flow. It is important to ground as we lighten up and surrender to our heart-mind connection. If not, we can get stuck in mental chaos, pain, and suffering, which creates stress, imbalance, and dis-ease in the body. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, I can help you regain balance and ease with gentle acupuncture, energy healing, and Chinese herbal medicine. These ancient healing modalities stimulate our healing process by switching our nervous system from stress mode to rest and restore mode. This is a subtle healing process which realigns.
On August 11, we will be having a Supermoon in Aquarius, which will amplify the heavenly energies to help us let go of fears and embrace our heart’s desire. This is powerful energy to lighten and brighten our moods as we move forward with courage, flexibility, and determination. This is a wonderful time to focus on gratitude and self-care. Take a walk, a nap, or an adventure and enjoy the moment. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, I can help you clear any imbalances, which create emotional, mental, and physical pain and suffering with gentle acupuncture, energy healing, and herbal medicine. This will improve sleep, mood, digestion, and vitality, as well as.