On August 1, we will be having a Supermoon in Aquarius, energizing us to let go of mental blocks and stuck energies causing pain and suffering. It is time to embrace our freedom and express our innate sense of joy and wonder. As well as set new boundaries to further empower you on your journey of self-care and discovery. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, I can help you let go of stuck feelings of shame, disappointment, and regret which impede your freedom, causing pain, anxiety, and stress. With gentle acupuncture, energy healing, and Chinese Medicine, we tap into your organic healing process. Creating greater vitality, wellbeing, and excitement as you embrace.
The New Moon in Cancer on July 17 focuses on self-care, healing, and transformation. This can be an emotionally difficult time as suppressed emotions come to light in order to heal and create more room to manifest our desires. Therefore, it is important to feel our feelings, breathe deeply, and slow down. There is tremendous freedom in healing our body, mind, and soul. This is the time for new beginnings. Imagine the best and let go of the rest. During the hot summer months, it is important to stay hydrated, rest, and avoid stress to maintain body-mind consciousness. Otherwise, anxiety, insomnia, and digestive issues flare up. At Wonderworks Healing Arts,.