Happy Labor Day and New Moon! Time to relax and unwind and enjoy the sunshine! This new moon supports us in focusing on self-care, healthy choices, and a desire for improving ourself and our environment. Taking timeout to tune-in and explore your inner desires will help manifest your reality. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, I can help you with your self-care needs to gain clarity and harmony, let go of anxiety, pain, and stress by balancing your body, mind, and spirit with gentle acupuncture, energy healing, and herbal medicine, Come in today to relax and unwind, expand your mind and calm your spirit. I am happy and grateful to help. Happy.
We will be having a Blue Supermoon August 19 in Aquarius. The sign of insights, revelations, and change. This excitable energy encourages us to stay grounded, open our minds and explore the unknown with curiosity, let go of anxiety, and open our hearts. We can expect the unexpected, challenging our comfort zone. Stay calm and carry on! At Wonderworks Healing Arts, I am grateful to help you with your healing process by balancing body, mind, and spirit with gentle acupuncture, energy healing, and Chinese Medicine. If you are suffering with stress or pain and need help letting go, acupuncture healing sessions will help. Come in today and feel greater vitality,.
The New Moon in Leo is bringing in a high vibration of love, joy, excitement, and infinite possibilities of self expression. Be bold and beautiful! Time to break out of the doom and gloom and let your heart shine bright and share the love. Contemplate what makes you happy and go for it. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, I am committed to helping you with your healing journey by balancing your body, mind, and spirit with gentle acupuncture, energy healing, and Chinese medicine. If you are suffering from stress and pain, acupuncture energy healing sessions will help move stagnant energy to regain your lightness of being and improve your life. Happy.
The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 is called the Buck Moon because that is when bucks shed their old antlers and regrow more robust new antlers. This is the time to let go of burdens and enjoy life. If not now, when? Time to prioritize our inner peace despite of outside circumstances. By letting go, we create clarity and confidence, as well as greater relaxation and pleasure in our lives. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, I can help you gain inner peace by balancing your body, mind and spirit to obtain greater health, happiness and prosperity in your life. If you are suffering from pain, stress, weight issues, and.
Happy Holiday and New Moon! Time to celebrate our freedom and focus on our blessings! Relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor with family and friends. Have fun, be safe, and hydrate. Wonderworks Healing Arts is dedicated to helping you create greater freedom and happiness within by balancing your energy with gentle acupuncture, energy healing, and herbal remedies. If you are suffering from grief, pain, anxiety, or digestive issues, I can help you with your healing process by switching your nervous system from stress mode to rest mode. Happy Holiday! Come in today and experience the joy of feeling happy, joyous, and free! Much love and gratitude, Amorah.
On Friday, June 21, we will be having a Strawberry Full Moon as well as the Summer Solstice! This is a wonderful time to celebrate more light, love, and joy with the longer, hotter days of summer. These powerful energies help manifest greater vitality for transformation and healing. As well as create greater clarity, balance, and inspiration around relationships, projects, and life choices. This is a great time for self care and letting go of what no longer services you and embrace what does to create more happiness this summer. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, I am committed to helping you with your healing process by balancing body, mind, and spirit.
Welcome to Gemini Season … time to learn, grow, expand, and connect! There will be a full moon in Sagittarius on May 23 that brings a playful energy of joy and adventure, as well as an opportunity to lighten our load. Rejoice in the moment and let go! Celebrate and find more ways to lighten up and bring more fun, adventure, and play in your life. I am happy to help with your healing needs whatever they may be. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, there are many healing modalities including acupuncture energy healing, which will help balance your body, mind, and spirit. This healing process will help increase your vitality, clarity,.
The New Moon in Taurus, called the Flower Moon, is on May 7. This is a wonderful day to get out into nature and play, appreciate the beauty around us and within us. This is an earthy and grounded energy that can support renewal, planting the seeds of new intentions for the future, and manifesting more peace, love, and tranquility in your life. When you think of being nourished, grounded, and revitalized, think of Wonderworks Healing Arts for your self-care needs. This is a wonderful place to balance your body, mind, and spirit as you integrate changes in your life and affirm your desires. If you are suffering from headaches,.
There is super-duper Full Moon in Scorpio Tuesday called the Pink Moon because it reflects the color of the wildflowers this time of year, illuminating all that’s good in the world as a reflection of our true nature. Time to spread the love, anchor in, and let go of all that doesn’t serve you. Self-care is paramount now, we deserve it. At Wonderworks Healing Arts I am committed to your well-being and healing. If you’re suffering from insomnia, stress, and need rest, I can help balance your body, mind, and spirit with gentle acupuncture, energy healing, and Chinese herbal medicine. These very effective healing modalities help you lose weight, stop.
The Super New Moon and Solar Eclipse tomorrow brings high intensity energy and opportunity for transformation. It is important to stay grounded and focused on what you want to manifest in your life for your highest good. This is a very empowering time of new beginnings and letting go. Embrace the day and gives thanks in every way. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, I can help you manifest your dreams so you can show up as your best self, feeling happy, joyous, and free by balancing your body, mind, and soul. If you are suffering with pain, anxiety, insomnia, or stress, acupuncture energy healing sessions will help you let go, unwind,.