As the world turns topsy-turvy, we are going through a tremendous energetic shift awakening into our highest potential to create heaven on earth. Just like the birthing process, there is often tremendous pain as we move through this transformative healing process. The Full Moon on August 3, also known as the Blueberry Moon, is the ripening time of year before the harvest. This moon reflects our growing pains and the need to let go and embrace love, tolerance, and compassion. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we are open and available to help you through this healing process to balance body, mind, and spirit in order to feel happy, joyous, and free..
The New Moon in Cancer on July 20 will help us get into our deeper emotions in regards to our emotional security, home, and family. It is essential to stay grounded and neutral especially during this time of uncertainty. This new moon encourages letting go and embracing new beginnings that will support peace, love, and joy, creating greater healing and growth for everyone! Wonderworks Healing Arts is open and strictly adheres to the safety protocols for your health and wellbeing. This is considered an essential business due to the importance of maintaining your health and happiness by balancing body, mind, and spirit with gentle acupuncture to boost the immune and.
This Independence Day, July 4, we will have a full moon and lunar eclipse in Capricorn, which brings powerful energy of light, love, and happiness further clarifying our need for freedom both personally and globally. How do we find freedom and joy in times of stress and confusion? By pausing, going within and choosing to take our power back, looking at the bigger picture, and being willing to let go and surrender to the unknown. Often we can get stuck in fear and feel hopelessness instead. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we can help you let go of stress and anxiety and ease into a calmer state of being. This transition.
June 21 is a powerful day to celebrate with a New Moon Solar Eclipse, Summer Solstice, and Father’s Day! This combination of exciting energies encourages greater love, peace, and joyful new beginnings. It is also an important time to honor the people and things that create greater harmony in our lives, and take responsibility for letting go of the things that promote imbalance. The goal of Traditional Chinese Medicine is to help create and maintain balance between body, mind, and spirit. This brings us into harmony with the cycles of nature and our own true, loving nature. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Summer Solstice is recognized as the beginning of.
With the new moon in Aires, the planet of fiery, heart energy, the emphasis is on action. Initiation of heart and soul inspired actions are what’s needed here. If not, we are stuck in fear, spinning our wheels, getting nowhere. It is time to take the leap of faith and get clear as we forge the path of destiny to create greater happiness. Often old childhood wounds get stuck in our bones and joints and get played out in our lives by repeating patterns of neglect and abuse. Back, shoulder and neck aches, along with hip and knee pains are common areas of stuck emotional energy, which leads to pain.
Happy Blue Moon! This is the second full moon in March giving us an abundance of energy to help create balance between body, mind and spirit. This is a wonderful time of rebirth and awakening as we purge that which no longer serves us and spring into our higher consciousness and lightness of being! The very nature of Traditional Chinese Medicine is balance, as reflected in the Yin/Yang symbol. There is a touch of both lightness & darkness in both aspects as they blend together to create balance. When we are out of balance due to overworking, etc., we deplete our energies and tend to experience disturbances in our sleep.
Spring Equinox is here, its time to celebrate this time of year! Flowers blooming, life resurrecting, transformation is happening everywhere! This is the season of awakening! The Equinox is also about experiencing balance between light and dark, yin and yang, masculine and feminine energies and restoring balance in our lives. Time to cleanse and let go of what no longer serves you and embrace change. In Chinese Medicine, Spring is the element of Wood, new growth and rebirth within and all around us. The liver and gallbladder organ systems are dominate, which are in charge of detoxification and renewal. They rule the emotions of clarity and patience when in balance,.
The new moon is on March 17, St. Patrick’s Day, which some may consider a lucky omen. It will most certainly be an exciting healing opportunity to look within and affirm our magnificence. Unhealed emotional wounds, fears and insecurities may surface as well to be resolved, to create more freedom and joy, which is a blessing in disguise. Gratitude is key to developing greater love and compassion for self and others during this growth process. Energy healing and acupuncture will help during this sensitive time of growth with much needed gentle, loving care. I recently had a patient ask me after his healing session, what exactly is it that I.
The full moon Thursday the 1st of March is power packed with the energy of allowing. This is a wonderful opportunity to re-evaluate our intentions and take a deep breath and reassess our values. By letting go and going with the flow as life unfolds, this allows for the possibility of healing our minds and souls in this chaotic world and bringing inner peace. There are great benefits to our health and happiness in letting go of the need to know and the illusion of control. The art of allowing can be quite challenging for those of us who need to know, plan, and control, but opening up to the.
The New Moon and Solar Eclipse are upon us bringing abundant energy for transformation and healing. This is also the month of Love, as well as the Chinese New Year, year of the Dog, signifying loyalty, grounding, and joyful expression of play and community. The theme this new year is social awareness and selflessness with a desire to help and protect those less fortunate. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we are committed to helping and being of service. Using Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and energy healing, transformation happens in this environment of loving compassion. During times of stress and uncertainty, acupuncture healing will help ground, balance, and calm body, mind, and spirit..