Choose Love Make Room For Something Different

Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays, because it’s all about love. Giving it to ourselves, and sharing with others, goes a long way to healing the planet. It is our life lesson to learn more, grow more, share more, be more love and go forth with an open heart.

Choose love, choose acceptance, choose peace! The very act of choosing is empowering. The full moon on February 10 and lunar eclipse, which will amplify the energy, is all about completion and making room for something different. Change is happening, whether we like it or not. It’s best to focus on the positive and take action accordingly whenever possible. This is the nature of life. Just like a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, we usually don’t know how change will affect us. Remembering to breathe into the moment and let go, will ease the stress and lessen the resistance we may feel, as we embrace change and focus on love.

Energy healing, acupuncture, is highly recommended during these times of change and upheaval to cultivate more joy and vital energy to help move through the stuck energy that occurs with fear, stagnation, and pain. When the energy meridians, channels, open up, this creates more freedom of movement and more possibilities to ground and feel more balanced and supported as we embrace the changes that show up.

In the words of the immortal John Lennon, “Love is the answer, and you know that for sure; Love is a flower, you’ve got to let it grow.” Take heart, be brave and beautiful, have faith, allow the essence of love to guide the way. Enjoy this powerful, glorious transformative time! Many blessings, and much love!