May’s full moon in Sagittarius has an energetic, playful, connective quality about it. This is a wonderful time to complete tasks and go outside and play. It is time to set intentions and commit to creating more fun and abundance in life. We are on the precipice of summer, time to relax and rejuvenate.
At Wonderworks Healing Arts we can help you do just that by letting go of the stress and extra weight that is holding you back from going with the flow and enjoying the moment.
By using the healing modalities of acupuncture, energy healing, and Oriental Medicine, your energy and vitality are restored, weight loss, sleep and digestion are improved, emotional and mental energies are balanced. People come into the office dragging, and leave lighter and happier amazed by the power of dropping inside themselves, connecting to their breath, and getting out of their heads. This healing process recharges your batteries by experiencing the rest and digest healing mode that is greatly needed to create transformation.
We are passing through a very chaotic time of change and upheaval on the planet, this is an opportunity to re-evaluate our values and ground our newfound freedom in loving kindness for ourselves and all others. Taking time out to smell the roses and smile will bring many blessings and help create healing and love in each moment. Happy Memorial Day! I look forward to seeing you soon. Many blessings and much love, Amorah