Full moons are all about letting go, completion, and trusting the process. This is part of the natural life cycle. Often this can bring up issues of control, which can create disturbance in the energy flow. In Chinese Medicine this is called Rebellious Qi. That is when the energies in the body, mind, and spirit run contrary, and we get stuck causing dis-ease within our system.
In addition, we have been in a Mercury Retrograde cycle, when the planet spins backwards, since April 28 and ending on May 22. This period can cause difficulties with communication. However, it is also a wonderful opportunity to review, refine, and explore our dreams and goals, accessing where we are and where we want to go. It helps to listen to our intuition, get quiet within, and connect with our Soul. Following our heart and trusting we are on the right path is very important.
I have been committed to my Spiritual Path for the past 25 years when I was inspired to open my healing practice, Wonderworks Healing Arts in La Jolla. I have seen acupuncture benefit so many men and women. I am very grateful to develop my inner knowing and am committed to helping others along the way create greater balance, health, and happiness as well.
I am always amazed at the inner direction I am given, often daunting, usually exciting. New possibilities and a willingness to change keeps life interesting. This innate urge within us to transform into a deeper expression of our true selves can be uncomfortable. Again, this is where trust kicks in, often requiring a leap of faith. It has been my experience that the rewards far outweigh the risks; and that, by letting go and going with the flow life becomes more filled with joy.
Enjoy the full moon on May 21, it’s time to celebrate our great efforts of growth and manifestation and reap the rewards! I am excited to do so as well…I am off to swim in the tropical seas of Kauai on Tuesday for 10 days to replenish my Soul! I look forward to seeing you soon. Aloha