Gemini Season – Love, Light, Feeling Alright!  Wonderworks Healing Arts

Welcome to Gemini Season … time to learn, grow, expand, and connect! There will be a full moon in Sagittarius on May 23 that brings a playful energy of joy and adventure, as well as an opportunity to lighten our load. Rejoice in the moment and let go! Celebrate and find more ways to lighten up and bring more fun, adventure, and play in your life.

I am happy to help with your healing needs whatever they may be. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, there are many healing modalities including acupuncture energy healing, which will help balance your body, mind, and spirit. This healing process will help increase your vitality, clarity, and well-being, and decrease your stress, pain, and weight gain.

Enjoy the moment! Wishing you lots love and joy until we meet again. Much love and gratitude, Amorah.