Happy Holidays Gift of Love & Healing!

The Winter Solstice on December 21 marks the longest night of the year and the start of winter. This is often celebrated by emphasizing light and love during the holidays by reuniting with friends and family. The energy of the New Moon, which falls on December 26, brings renewed energy to help set our intentions and commitments before the New Year.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, winter is the water element, cold, dark, deep, affecting the kidneys and urinary bladder, and it is associated with the color black. It relates to the emotions of fear or faith. This is considered to be yin time; the time to go within and nourish bodies, minds, and spirits with warm foods, extra sleep, and deep meditative practices. This is essential to maintain both physical and spiritual health.

At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we can help recharge your energy and boost your spirits to strengthen your immune system during this time of transformation and celebration. Many people are coming into the office with coughs, colds, depression, anxiety, exhaustion, sore low backs, and insomnia. Acupuncture, energy healing, and Chinese herbal formulas are excellent preventive medicine modalities, and excellent self care practices to restore balance and wellbeing, and help quicken the recovery process.

Happy Holy Days! As we near the end of the year, it is with great joy, love, and appreciation that I express my gratitude to be able to help so many people achieve health, wealth, and happiness. I look forward to seeing you in the New Year! Much love and light, Amorah