The New Moon on January 24 will be an excellent energetic start of the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Rat. This is an opportunity to contemplate the changes we want to embrace and be proactive, open-minded, and compassionate with our growth process.
The Metal Rat is considered a prosperous and lucky year for all. Bringing ample opportunity to create success in new endeavors, evolving something already in process, as well as cultivating goals and dreams. The metal element creates water to help things flow. Creating the energy of courage and determination, as we let go of fears and inhibitions.
At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we can help increase and balance energy to create greater vitality and clarity to overcome bad habits or addictions, uncertainty, anxiety, and nervous tension. Acupuncture and energy healing improve immunity, digestion, elimination, sleep, and relief pain.
Happy Lunar New Year enjoying greater peace, love, and freedom! I look forward to being of service soon and helping with your healing needs. Lots of love and blessings, Amorah