The Full Moon in Pisces on September 14 is called the Harvest Moon, since it is nearest the autumn Equinox. The energy of the sensitive, intuitive sign of Pisces has the potential to awaken our inner knowing to help us let go of whatever no longer serves us and embrace what does. As the summer season ends and autumn draws near, now is a good time to focus on all the blessings cultivated during this transition and to celebrate our existence.
Often we can get bogged down in the details and forget the bigger picture. Acupuncture energy healing can help us awaken our perspective by creating more space inside to breath in the light. Symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches, and body aches, are reflective of obsessive thinking, worrying, or stressing creating imbalances in the body, mind, and soul connection.
At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we focus on holistic medicine, taking care of the whole being, not just addressing symptoms. The healing process helps restore homeostasis, which in turn creates wellness and improves quality of life.
As the Harvest Moon draws near, we encourage you to come in and get a tune-up, check your alignment to improve your immune system as we transition into the new season. It s with great joy and gratitude that I am dedicated to helping in anyway possible with your healing process. Many blessings and much love, Amorah