The Full moon on December 22 is called the Cold Moon because it is the start of winter and follows the Winter Solstice, marking the changing of the seasons. A powerful time to go inward and reflect on the changes that have occurred this year, and decide what works and let go of what doesn’t. It is also a time of celebration and love, to let your inner spirit out and connect with others in our own true authentic nature, and to be free of fear and embrace the freedom to express creation in all it’s gloriousness!
In Chinese Medicine, wintertime represents the most Yin time of year with its cold, slow, inward energy. It is the element of Water, an essential time of storing energy, and is associated with the Kidneys and bones. The bones cultivate and hold our most basic and fundamental “Jing” energy, life force. It is a good time to drink bone broth, eat root vegetables and stews to maintain good health and replenish energy from excessive exercise and stress, lack of sleep, and over indulgence in food and alcohol during the holiday season. Winter also represents the emotions of faith and/or fear, as well as the color black and the taste of salt,
The need for quiet reflection and rest is crucial to maintain balance in the body, the mind and spirit in order to stay healthy and grounded this winter season. Acupuncture and herbal medicine help to maintain this balance, replenish energy and vitality, and boost the immune system. Self-care practices such as getting out in nature, meditation, reading and journaling also serves to balance the stress and go inward this holiday season.
Enjoy this cycle of change as we embark on the beginning of the New Year! As always, I am grateful to be of service and look forward to seeing you soon. Many blessings and much love, Amorah