Increased Love and Wellbeing

The Full Moon on August 15 will amplify our heart energies of passion, enthusiasm, and courage by reclaiming our power of love! As we embrace this love energy and become more aware of the present moment blessings, we create greater freedom, and drop deeper into our bodies to let go of limiting patterns and issues from the past. This will support realignment of the flow of energy to embrace our hearts desires and manifest our intentions of healing and wellbeing.

At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we are committed to helping you along your life’s journey into greater freedom and joy in body, mind, and spirit! Many people are coming into the office with body aches and pains, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, and stomach issues during this transition period. By using gentle acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, and energy healing, we are able to help the healing process through deep rest and relaxation. This increases energy, vitality, and clarity to help us embody greater light and love.

Now is the time to express ourselves under the light of the Full Moon by living passionately through loving action and self-reflection! I look forward to seeing you soon, much love and many blessings, Amorah.