Oriental Medicine
Oriental Medicine is a holistic healthcare modality with an emphasis on prevention and treatment of disease by creating a balance between mind, body and spirit. It includes acupuncture, Chinese medicine, nutrition and lifestyle recommendations, and energy healing. The effectiveness of Oriental medicine relies on maintaining health and preventing disease by seeing the body as a whole and honoring the healing process.

Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese medicine uses ancient, plant-based herbal formulas to provide rapid healing and enhanced well-being. It is often used in conjunction with acupuncture to treat both chronic and acute conditions.
Aromatherapy is used for medicinal purposes, such as calming, uplifting and grounding energies, as well as for enhancing immune function and helping various other issues. To order doTERRA oils go to: http://www.mydoterra.com/WonderworksHealingArts/#/
Nutrition and Lifestyle Recommendations
Nutrition and lifestyle recommendations are an important component of Oriental medicine. Individualized consultations on developing healthy habits such as exercise, meditation, breathing practices, work/ play balance, finding rest and relaxation, and making healthy food choices critical to creating and maintaining health are included in sessions.

Energy Healing
Energy healing removes stagnation and dis-ease by creating a smooth flow of energy, called Qi in Oriental medicine, throughout the body. Amorah Kelly is a gifted empathic healer who can “feel” imbalances in energy flow. Her hands-on energy healing is included in acupuncture sessions to increase the healing effects of other Oriental medicine modalities. Patients experience pain and stress relief and enhanced vitality when the smooth flow of Qi energy is restored through these sessions.
Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls
Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls are used in healing sessions to create deep states of relaxation and wellness. The body’s natural neurological response is proven to assist in entering states of deep relaxation and breakthrough energy blocks to enhance healing.