We will be having an exciting week ahead with a New Moon in Sagittarius, a fiery, heart-centered sign of fun, adventure, and optimism! This is an auspicious time to express our love and share our blessings during the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday. I am especially filled with gratitude, love, and appreciation for the privilege of helping you, your family, friends and associates.
At Wonderworks Healing Arts, I am dedicated to being of service, to helping balance body, mind, and spirit, to alleviate pain and suffering, and to bring joy to the masses. With gentle acupuncture, energy healing, and Chinese Medicine, we can lighten up your mood, and create greater peace and serenity by improving sleep, pain, digestion, immunity, and vitality.
Come in today, and experience the healing possibilities of greater health, wealth, and happiness! I am happy to extend a 10% discount on healing services throughout this holiday season. Happy New Moon possibilities and Holiday delights! Until we meet again, much love and many blessings, Amorah