The New Moon in Leo on August 8 is a very auspicious day! Also known as Lion’s Gate, due to the astrological significance in the heavens. This is a powerful time to set your intentions on the soul level and make your dreams come true. What makes your heart sing? Look within and awaken your passions. It’s time to live out loud with an open heart and mind. Love is the key to happiness. Breathe, be authentic, rest, and restore. Self-care is paramount now in order to be more loving, patient, and compassionate with others and ourselves.
At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we are committed to helping you with your self-care needs. By restoring your vitality, boosting your immune system, and keeping you grounded, you will feel better, sleep better, and enjoy better digestion. With gentle acupuncture, energy healing, and Chinese herbal medicine, we can help balance your body, mind, and soul.
Come in today and experience the wonder of being happy, joyous, and free to love and be loved. Roar, dance, and sing under the heavenly New Moon! Much love and many blessings, Amorah