New Moon Surrender to the Unknown

The New Moon Monday, March 27, in Aries, the Fire element. is all about letting go to make room for more of what serves us and those around us best. Unfortunately “best” is not always how we think it should be. This is where trust and faith, surrendering to the unknown, and taking a leap of faith is very helpful.

Along with the action stimulating Fire element, we are being graced with lots of the Water element in the form rain, to clean the air and nourish our souls. The drought is over, we can let go and relax and go with the flow. This new moon is all about embracing the moment and going within to retrieve aspects of our lost soul.

Acupuncture healing is an excellent tool for helping us do just that. The powerful effect of relaxation takes over as the healing switch in our brains gets turned on and the feel-good chemicals, endorphins, take over and flood our bodies and connect our souls. The brain gets to reset and let go to open up to new, deeper clarity. This has a very calming effect on the nervous system, which creates balance and grounding. Giving us the benefit of rebirth and renewal, which is reflected all around us in this green, flowery Spring.

Oriental Medicine is a great alternative modality to help boost our immune system and alleviate sinus and allergy issues. As well as create increased energy and motivation to do internal and external spring cleaning. Along with detoxing and juicing, taking walks in nature, and visiting friends, rest is very important to help heal the body, mind and spirit. Meditation will also help with digestion issues, emotional stress, and insomnia.

Spring has sprung in glorious wonder all around us! Enjoy the benefits of this healing process and know we are here to help. Much love and many blessings!