Passionate New Moon – Wonderworks Healing Arts

The New Moon in the fiery, passionate, and courageous sign of Leo is on August 16. This is a powerful time to focus on your heart’s desire and set your soul free!  What makes you happy? Embrace the unknown, be bold, let go, and trust the Universe!

If you are suffering with pain, anxiety, and insomnia, I can help! At Wonderworks Healing Arts I specialize in balancing body, mind, spirit with gentle acupuncture, energy healing, and Chinese Herbal Medicine.  This is a very effective healing process, allowing your own organic healing to take place. When our mental and emotional energies are out of balance, the body suffers, which gets our attention. Come in before the need arises to maintain optimal health and wellbeing.

Happy New Moon! Celebrate new possibilities and enjoy greater health, wealth, and happiness!  Many blessings and much love, Amorah.