Pink Full Moon – Wonderworks Healing Arts

On April 5, we are having a Pink Full Moon, named for the pinkish hue created by the wildflowers in bloom. This is a wonderful time to go out into nature and appreciate the beauty all around us. The fiery full moon energy will ignite your passions and motivate
you into action. As well as help you step fully into Spring and get out of hibernation mode. This is a good time to cleanse and let go of excess weight and start moving again.

At Wonderworks Healing Arts, I can help you feel lighter and brighter by balancing your body, mind, and spirit with gentle acupuncture, energy healing, and herbal medicine. Whatever you desire, whether that be letting go of weight, obsessive thought, allergies, boost immunity, eliminating pain, improving sleep, and increasing vitality, acupuncture healing works.

Come in today, and feel happy, joyous, and free! Happy Pink Full Moon! Sing, dance, and make romance! Much love and gratitude, Amorah.