Acupuncture for Quitting Smoking, Drug and Alcohol Detox
Bi-weekly acupuncture treatments are recommended to help quit smoking and addictive habits. Using the NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) protocol in the ear and body, organs detox and balance are restored. Cravings and feelings of stress, irritability, restlessness, anxiety, and depression are reduced; energy and relaxation are increased. Healthy habits including diet, exercise, mediation, and journaling are encouraged to create calming, grounding effects.
Acupuncture for Quitting Smoking, Drug and Alcohol Detox
- Acupuncture for healthier life
- Acupuncture for protecting health of family and friends from second-hand smoke
- Acupuncture for alleviating social pressure
- Acupuncture for reducing stress, irritability, restlessness, anxiety
- Acupuncture for restoring energy, vitality and longevity
- Acupuncture for establishing relaxation methods for calm state of being
- Acupuncture for looking and feeling better
Book an AppointmentAcupuncture helped me quit smoking and I can say that I am smoke-free for two weeks now and am excited to have that number grow with each day! I’m always amazed at how Amorah always knows what’s going on with me. She doesn’t let me hide from my feelings but rather she helps you face what’s going on inside you. Whenever I get treatment from Amorah I always feel a deeper sense of peace and well being. I highly recommend Amorah to anyone who is looking to get to know themselves in a deeper way. – Melissa P.