On Friday, June 21, we will be having a Strawberry Full Moon as well as the Summer Solstice! This is a wonderful time to celebrate more light, love, and joy with the longer, hotter days of summer. These powerful energies help manifest greater vitality for transformation and healing. As well as create greater clarity, balance, and inspiration around relationships, projects, and life choices. This is a great time for self care and letting go of what no longer services you and embrace what does to create more happiness this summer.
At Wonderworks Healing Arts, I am committed to helping you with your healing process by balancing body, mind, and spirit with gentle acupuncture, energy healing, and herbal medicine. If you are suffering with excess weight, stress, or addictions and are having difficulty with your sleep, digestion, and mood, I can help reduce pain and suffering so you can experience greater vitality and joy.
Happy Summer Solstice and Strawberry Full Moon! Eat, drink and be merry! Come in today and experience the wonder of feeling happy, joyous, and free. I look forward to seeing you soon. Much love and many blessings, Amorah.