We have a lot of intense energy building up for the upcoming Super Blood Blue Full Moon and total Lunar Eclipse! This powerful energy supports and guides us while we become aware of the changes we need to make within ourselves by reevaluating our course of action and letting go. This much heavenly excitement on one day has not happened in150 years! It is an ideal opportunity to change old paradigms by integrating our mind-body connection and anchor deeper into our hearts. The time for change is now, for this is truly a once in a blue moon happening.
In Chinese Medicine this is considered a very auspicious time when we can feel the powerful effects of nature upon us. It is important to stay connected to our inner knowing and have courage to follow our heart while connecting to our kidney energy which is faith not fear.
We are still in the Water element, kidney energy, which requires we store up our energy and stay grounded while letting go and going with the flow to create good health. I am helping a lot of people with acupuncture healing breakthrough old relationship habits and patterns that no longer serve them in their highest good. This can be a very painful process of letting go of the old familiar ways of being. Acupuncture helps move the stuck energy which shows up as pain in our body, mind and spirit. This can manifest as anxiety, insomnia, lung and kidney issues, headaches, and any number of disorders including food and drug addictions.
As an intuitive empath, I feel other peoples’ pain and am committed to helping with a gentle, loving touch to navigate the healing process. It truly is a time to celebrate our personal freedom by creating conscious awareness of the present moment. Notice what is unfolding around you and choose love instead of fear!
Many blessing, Amorah