Super Moon Spring Equinox

There is a Libra Super Full Moon on March 20 and the Spring Equinox, which will bring much needed light, love and balance to our planet! This is a very powerful time of rebirth and celebration. Supporting us to let go of what no longer serves us and embracing what does by focusing on love and joy. This transformation will greatly benefit our interpersonal and collective by encouraging us to tune into our feminine side as we emerge from hibernation and awaken into Spring.

In Chinese Medicine, Spring is the season of renewal, growth, and rejuvenation. The Liver/Gallbladder organ system and Wood element rule this season. The need to nurture and support ourselves is crucial to avoid imbalances causing dis-ease. It is very important to create and maintain healthy boundaries and balance to gain greater clarify and patience, instead of anger and confusion. This is an excellent time to cleanse by eating organic dark green vegetables, lean protein, and plenty of water and rest in order to tap into our true nature of love and joy. Self-care practices such as mediation, journaling, and healing sessions will help greatly.

At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we specialize in balancing body, mind, and spirit with gentle acupuncture, hands on energy healing, and herbal formulas. These healing sessions help
de-stress and activate our own innate healing process by stimulating deep relaxation and healing to create greater health, vitality, and joy.

Happy Super Full Moon and Spring Equinox! Now is the time to celebrate and rejoice in you to enjoy life to the fullest! I look forward to seeing you soon, much love and light, Amorah