The new super moon in Libra on October 16, has intense energy to encourage us to maintain balance and trust, so we can breakthrough obstacles, embrace change, and take action to recreate our world to be a better place. This new moon focus is on relationships, balancing the masculine and feminine and healing wounds. Ask yourself, how can I give love, support, and encouragement to others and myself? What can I let go of that creates undue stress, trauma, and unrest? Now is the time to reboot, to be present and fulfill our destiny, to come from love, and to carry on.
At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we help you carry on and move through blocked emotional energies from stress and unresolved issues, especially grief, anger, and anxiety, which get stuck in the body and cause physical pain. Using gentle acupuncture, which stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system to calm and relax the body, restores health and wellbeing. This helps us let go and drop into our hearts to feel increased joy, optimism, and love. Creating freedom with the increased flow of energy to balance body, mind, and spirit. Healing sessions are a wonderful opportunity to reset, restore, and reclaim our innate power, wisdom, and strength.
During this new super moon remember to stay neutral and focus on what you want, rather than what you don’t want. Many blessings and may the force by with you! I look forward to seeing you soon. Love, Amorah.