The Super New Moon and Solar Eclipse tomorrow brings high intensity energy and opportunity for transformation. It is important to stay grounded and focused on what you want to manifest in your life for your highest good. This is a very empowering time of new beginnings and letting go. Embrace the day and gives thanks in every way.
At Wonderworks Healing Arts, I can help you manifest your dreams so you can show up as your best self, feeling happy, joyous, and free by balancing your body, mind, and soul. If you are suffering with pain, anxiety, insomnia, or stress, acupuncture energy healing sessions will help you let go, unwind, rest, and reset so you will have greater clarity, vitality, and wellbeing. As well as boost your immune system to stay healthy and strong during allergy season.
Happy Super New Moon and total Solar Eclipse! This is an exciting time, enjoy, and shine! Come in today and experience the freedom and flow of letting go and embracing new opportunities. Much love and gratitude, Amorah.