Year End Celebration

December 11 is the Cold Full Moon, time to realign with soul intentions and let go! Release your inhibitions, dive into the unknown, if not now, when? Committing to our highest good and focusing on healing energies of gratitude, appreciation, and wonder help to manifest infinite possibilities.

With the early dark nights and cooler weather, this is the time of year when we innately want to hibernate. However, with the excitement of the holidays, it is best to monitor our energies to maintain health and wellbeing. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we specialize in balancing body, mind, and spirit by restoring the nervous system, boosting the immune system, and revitalizing our energy to keep things flowing.

Acupuncture, Chinese herbal remedies, and energy healing are excellent preventative medicine healing modalities to avoid feeling under the weather, depressed, anxious, or experiencing painful bones and joints. As well as getting plenty of rest, hydrating, and eating warm, nurturing foods to keep healthy this holiday season.

Enjoy the last full moon of the year by celebrating life, love, and freedom! Let go of limitations, the best is yet to come! Much love and blessings, Amorah