The full moon in Cancer with its focus on home, family, and emotions, brings an appropriate ending to this intense, transformative year. As we hunker down and go inward, it is a perfect time to reflect on lessons learned and blessings gained as we go into the New Year. This is a time of quiet reflection where we can learn to trust a new way of being. Keep the faith and let go of fear in order to lower stress levels and strengthen immune systems. This is also a wonderful time to keep our minds and hearts open by expressing gratitude. Wonderworks Healing Arts is open to serve your healing.
The Winter Solstice on December 21 is the longest night of the year before we start returning to the light. Astrologically this is even more of a wondrous night with the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, which ushers in the Age of Aquarius. This is a time of death and rebirth as our consciousness is awaken, love is actualized, and deep healing takes place. It is time to celebrate our true nature, as we emerge from the dark night of the soul. In Chinese Medicine, Winter is the season of water, cold, salty, and is associated with the kidneys. This represents our fundamental essence, the yin aspect, dark, slow, inward energy. It is.
On Monday morning, December 14, we will be having a solar eclipse during the new moon in Sagittarius. Although we will not be able to see it, we will certainly feel it as the celestial energies culminate toward the Winter Solstice on December 21. These higher energies help us feel more joy and ease during these troubling times. All of which, helps us lighten up and let go of grief and suffering and look for the silver lining of greater vitality and happiness. Wonderworks Healing Arts, a safe, healing sanctuary, is open during the shutdown as it is essential to maintain and boost the immune system to stay healthy and.
The full moon and lunar eclipse on November 30 marks the end of suffering and the awakening of joy during this holiday season. Joy is a wonderful antidote for suffering from loneliness, grief, and fear, and the best medicine for boosting our immune system. Focus on gratitude to gain perspective and clarity. Meditate on love and forgiveness, embrace change, and rejoice! With all the fear surrounding COVID, it is best to be proactive and take precautions by increasing our self-care with preventive medicine. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we can help boost your immune system by balancing your body, mind, and spirit with healing modalities. Acupuncture stimulates our own natural healing.
This weekend, we will be having a Super New Moon in Scorpio, as well as the Hindu Diwali Celebration of returning to the Light. This is perfect timing as we emerge from our collective dark night of the soul. It is time to awaken and celebrate life, love, and healing. As we embrace new possibilities, it is time to affirm what we want to live a better life, and let go of what no longer serves us. In order to rise above the inertia, it is important to let go, go with the flow, and focus on love. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we are here to help you with your.
On Halloween, we will be having a blue moon, which is the second full moon in October. This phenomenon happens, “Once in a blue moon.” The last time was in 1944. Mark your calendars and celebrate this trick or treat night, by letting go of fear and joyfully embracing life! It is time to awaken to our inner truth, experience joy, clarity, and justice for all. We are in Scorpio season, the time of transformation, death, and rebirth, diving in deep and embracing our truth. This is a time of deep reflection and improving our lives by choosing joy and love. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we can help you let.
The new super moon in Libra on October 16, has intense energy to encourage us to maintain balance and trust, so we can breakthrough obstacles, embrace change, and take action to recreate our world to be a better place. This new moon focus is on relationships, balancing the masculine and feminine and healing wounds. Ask yourself, how can I give love, support, and encouragement to others and myself? What can I let go of that creates undue stress, trauma, and unrest? Now is the time to reboot, to be present and fulfill our destiny, to come from love, and to carry on. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, we help you carry.
On October 1, we will be having a Harvest full moon, which has the potential to bring an abundance of blessings. It is time to focus on cultivating peace, love, and joy, and letting go of worry, hurry, and stress. This full moon helps us embrace the changing nature of what is, while being mindful of what is important to us. We can improve our health and well being greatly by doing so. During this time, it is very important to boost our immune systems and balance our nervous systems to stay healthy and happy during these challenging times. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, by using acupuncture, energy healing, and herbal.
On September 17 we will be having a New Moon in the Earth sign of Virgo. This is an important time to ground and focus on sending loving energies to Mother Earth and all sentient beings. We are in a state of great transformation, which on the surface can look like great disarray. However, underneath the surface we are birthing a new world full of possibilities. It is vital to embrace our greatness and let go of whatever is bringing us down. We are also on the precipice of the Autumn Equinox, happening on September 22. This is a powerful time to reset and find inspiration as we transform, equalize,.
The Full Moon is in Pisces on September 2, 2020. This can be an emotional time of letting go, acknowledging lessons learned, and gaining greater clarity. As we move through obstacles and transform into deeper wisdom, it is time to celebrate and embrace change. It is important to let go of suffering and acknowledge our personal power and joy. At Wonderworks Healing Arts, I have been helping many people move through stagnant energies of anger, grief, and confusion, which manifests in the body as pain, insomnia, weight gain, and anxiety. With gentle acupuncture, energy healing, and Chinese medicine formulas, balance is restored between the body-mind connection, allowing greater clarity, calm,.