Full Moon Inner Healing – Wonderworks Healing Arts

The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 is called the Buck Moon because that is when bucks shed their old antlers and regrow more robust new antlers. This is the time to let go of burdens and enjoy life. If not now, when? Time to prioritize our inner peace despite of outside circumstances. By letting go, we create clarity and confidence, as well as greater relaxation and pleasure in our lives.

At Wonderworks Healing Arts, I can help you gain inner peace by balancing your body, mind and spirit to obtain greater health, happiness and prosperity in your life. If you are suffering from pain, stress, weight issues, and anxiety, acupuncture, energy healing, and herbal medicine will help you let go and feel your best. Come in today and experience the wonder of energy healing and vitality.

Happy Full Moon, enjoy the healing process! Much love and gratitude, Amorah.